With all requests, please plan ahead and complete the forms with accuracy.
We apologize that we are not able to accomodate late or last minute requests or process incomplete submissions.
Please note carefully that most requests and funding require PRIOR approval, and cannnot be processed if not approved in advance.
Forms for Faculty Funding
- Additional Pay Request Form for Part-Time Instructors
This form is used for paying Part-Time Faculty for additional work only. This form should only be submitted for one-off type jobs. i.e. Accompanist, additional player for an ensemble, etc. This form must be completed TWO WEEKS prior to the work beginning. Full-time faculty are not eligible for additional pay. An approval email will be sent to the Part-Time Faculty member for them to review and approve before any additional pay will be added to their contract. Any outside guests must be submitted on a Guest Artist Request Form (see below) 8 weeks in advance so a contract can be processed for them. - Purchase Request Form
- All purchases must be submitted on the Purchase Request form so that all required information is submitted at once. If more than one item is being requested, please attach a spreadsheet with the item information.
- Do not submit the form and expect the item to be purchased the same day. All purchases must be reviewed and approved by the Director and VPA before we can move forward. Please make sure you submit the Purchase Request as soon as you know something is needed, to allow enough time for questions and approvals.
- Employee Expense Reimbursements (Non-Travel related expenses)
- All non-travel related purchases must be made through the Setnor School of Music. Faculty should not make any out of pocket purchases and expect to receive a reimbursement.
- End of Semester Jury Pay
- Setnor School of Music pays PTI’s a flat rate of $100 per semester for participating in end of semester juries.
- In order to be paid, PTI’s will need to submit the Jury Pay Form AFTER the juries for that area have been completed. The form will not become active until juries have begun at the end of the semester.
- Payments will be processed once juries have been completed each semester and the pay form has been submitted by the PTI.
- Audition Day Pay
- Setnor School of Music pays PTI’s a flat rate of $75 per day for participating in In-Person Audition Days.
- In order to be paid, PTI’s will need to submit the Audition Day Pay form
- Payments will be processed at the end of November, December, January and February. It is recommended that PTI’s submit the Audition Day Pay form after each Audition Day has been completed.
- Studio Class Pay
- Setnor School of Music pays PTI’s $70 per hour (up to 3 hours) for holding Studio Classes each semester.
- In order to be paid, PTI’s will need to submit the Studio Class Pay form
- Payments will be processed at the end of each semester once the pay form has been received AFTER the studio classes have been completed.
- Sample Lesson Assessment Form
- Setnor School of Music pays PTI's at their hourly lesson rate for 1 hour for each sample lesson given to each individual.
- Full-time faculty are not paid extra for sample lessons given, but should still submit the form for tracking purposes.
- Please submit this form after the sample lesson has been completed.
Faculty Travel
- All faculty traveling on Syracuse University business must complete a VPA Pre-Travel Authorization form prior to traveling.
- After the VPA Pre-Travel Authorization form has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the Director of the School of Music and an approval will be emailed to the faculty member with their approved budget.
- Please read the approval email carefully, as it explains what the next steps are and how to submit receipts for reimbursement.
- After the trip is over, follow the instructions in the travel approval email and submit the Setnor Travel Expense Form along with the receipts. Do NOT submit a Travel Voucher, as that form is no longer being accepted since all reimbursements are now processed through Myslice.
Guest Artists
All outside guests who are not current Syracuse University employees must sign a Syracuse University contract with specific details about what the guest is doing during their visit, along with payment information. This is a Syracuse University policy. Based on your request, we will determine what contract is needed to proceed once a guest has been approved.
- Guest Artist Request Form (current year)
*If you have trouble tabbing through the form, please make sure you are using Google Chrome as your web browser. The form cannot be saved as you complete it, so it will help if you prepare the information to transfer over to the form for your convenience.- A “Guest Artist” for purposes of this form is a featured artist (or their collaborators) visiting the school in person or virtually to provide a featured activity for a class or ensemble.
- This would NOT include payment for SU Part-Time instructors providing accompaniment or playing with an ensemble performance. Please submit the Additional Pay Request Form for those types of requests.
- No additional spaces should be needed for these current year submissions.
- Guest visits cannot be scheduled without approval of this form.
- All Guest Artist requests must be submitted 8 WEEKS before the date of the visit.
- Please discuss your guest and details of their visit with your Area Coordinator before submitting a request to be sure they are on board with who you are submitting.
- Once the Guest Artist Request form is submitted and approved, faculty hosts will be contacted about the next steps in the process.
- All outside guests must be able to complete a withholding form if they are being compensated for their appearance.
- Faculty should NOT ask Guests for tax forms. If a Guest is approved, the Director's office will reach out to the Guest for any tax forms needed.
- A “Guest Artist” for purposes of this form is a featured artist (or their collaborators) visiting the school in person or virtually to provide a featured activity for a class or ensemble.
Guest Parking
For guests who need parking during non-event hours, please use the Irving Garage Parking Request for Guests form – do not send e-mails or call in requests. Last minute requests cannot be accommodated. Requests MUST be received at least ONE WEEK in advance to request parking in Irving Garage. ALL guest parking is generally in Irving Garage. The QUAD LOT is not available unless there is a mobility issue or special circumstance. The Setnor School of Music pays a fee for guests who park on campus.
Other Parking
Parking on campus requires individual permits arranged through Permits - Parking and Transportation Services – Syracuse University. Faculty, staff, and students who have a permit for a lot or people without a campus permit cannot request acommodation in another lot. Information about daily parking on campus is available at Daily Campus Visitor - Parking and Transportation Services – Syracuse University There is also area street parking that is usually metered.
Forms for Concerts and Recitals, Recordings, and Special Projects
Presenting an Event on Campus:
- Confirm date with Michelle Taylor
- Submit event details and image for calendar listings and poster creation
- Submit the Event Services Request.
This is due no later than four weeks prior to the event and is required for all events in order to be sure the event can be properly supported. For more complicated events, please request a meeting to discuss production details. Please note: use of any space requires compliance with applicable guidelines. Please monitor university, local, and school information for updates. - Submit the program template. This is due no later than 10 days prior to event (or you can provide your own printed programs if preferred). If not received by that date, please do not submit late, we will assume you will print and bring the programs to the event.
- PROGRAM TEMPLATE jcm 2024-25.docx
- PLEASE NOTE: We list events on the VPA calendar, Setnor facebook, etc, display posters in Crouse, and provide the information to all internally, but we are not able to market individual events such as faculty recitals. Please be aware of this so any expectations on audience development can be managed.
- Minors on Campus Program Registration – any program in which minors are involved, including education programs, visits from school groups, clinics, etc requires this important university compliance process. To take a tutorial and complete the registration, visit how to register SU sponsored programs
Hosting Clinics: For faculty who have been contacted about presenting a clinic or hosting a visiting group for a rehearsal or tour, here are the initial steps:
- review schedule, size of group, equipment needs, and what they are hoping to do on campus (example- attend a rehearsal, have a clinic with a faculty member, take a campus tour)
- identify faculty personnel who will work with the group, and determine who will serve as the faculty host – this person will be the main contact and will register the clinic and be there for the event
- work with operations to determine if space is available
- connect with admissions regarding campus tour and recruitment information at admissu@syr.edu
- register the clinic with the Programs with Minors - to take a tutorial and complete the registration, visit how to register SU sponsored programs
- advise guests on parking and bus directives, coordinating with operations – please note: the drop off for Crouse College is generally at the bottom of the hill at Crouse Drive and Waverly, so the bus has the space to turn back out of campus. The lot behind Crouse College is not large enough to allow larger vehicles to turn around. Operations will work with Parking on drop off and pick up and to determine if there is anything else on campus to be aware of for that day. In general, the bus drivers then head off campus and return to that spot for pick up later or to meet the group where they are eating later. If a parking spot on campus is needed, it will likely be in one of the South Campus lots Campus Maps - Parking and Transportation Services – Syracuse University
- if groups wish to eat on campus, they can be directed to check on campus dining areas Meals and Dining on Campus - Syracuse.edu, or neighborhood locations. We cannot offer locations in Crouse for catering or eating meals that are brought in.
- if groups have several activities on campus, we are generally not able to store instruments or personal items, so this should be factored into their planning. The university is not responsible for lost or stolen items, including musical instruments
- note – faculty cannot be paid for clinics individually by schools because payment for employees for work on campus can only be processed through the university. Full time faculty clinics would be considered part of recruitment service or would take place within classes, rehearsals.
USE OF FACILITIES for activities outside of university assignments: Use of campus spaces for programs that are not part of the academic program (current classes, ensembles, and lessons for which people are registered through the university) cannot take place without prior written approval from the university. Faculty, staff or students requesting this use will need to register the program and may be required to enter into a short term license for use of the facilities and assume various liability. If the use involves minors, personnel will be required to have a background check and to take training. If faculty, staff or students are earning money outside of campus earnings while on University owned, operated or controlled property, there may also be tax implications for which personnel will be responsible. It is the Party’s responsibility to comply with all campus policies, federal, and state laws and regulations.
Due to limited space and availability, use of the facilities are generally limited to academic program only use, and for currrent School of Music music faculty, staff, and students only. For more information, please contact Michelle Taylor (mjtaylor@syr.edu).
Setnor Seating Plans: Capacity total, 654 (386 on the main floor, 268 in the balcony)
Filming: If you are is interested in planning and executing a commercial film, audio, video or similar production on campus, please visit this link to review university procedures and guidelines. https://gcr.syr.edu/syrfilm/procedures/
Misc Faculty Forms & Resources
- Room-availability
- Crouse room use agreement
- Live Stream: The video player will not become active until immediately prior to the concert’s start time. Please note that your listening and/or viewing experience may vary depending on network conditions and your computer setup. Users with fast computers and Internet connections will have the best results.
- Faculty Research News: Have a project or research to share with VPA Communications? The form to use is: faculty research & scholarly accomplishments form. This routes to EVPA Communications and the VPA Office of Research. If you would also like this posted on Setnor Facebook, please send to mjtaylor@syr.edu.
- Syracuse University Center for Disability Resources - for assistance, addressing student accommodations, etc
- Field trip guidelines
- Medical Clearance Form
- SU Syllabus Template
- Campus Maps
- Orange Tracker - computer and IT help
- Setnor Technology Working Group Support
- Technical Assistance in Classrooms: call the help desk at 443-2677 for a faster response time. Support hours are Mon-Thu 8 am-8 pm, and Fri 8 am-5 pm. The Learning Environments staff is also happy to meet with individual faculty in their teaching location to assist with use of technology at LEARNING ENVIRONMENT RESOURCES.
- Student Worker Hire Request
- Tascam Equipment Loan Agreement
Audition Information
- Audition Requirements (includes classical and JCM audition requirements, and also notes which majors can audition in JCM area)
- Audition Registration (this is where there are links to dates once they are live, link to the registration website, instructions how to submit online, etc)
University Records
- to review which university materials and student and class records to keep , visit University Records Management Retention Schedule - Syracuse University Libraries
University Forms for Students
Please visit the Student Forms page on the SU Office of the Registrar website for all the latest fillable university forms and information.
Setnor School of Music Forms can be found below:
- Sophomore Evaluation Form - BM Performance
- Comprehensive Examination Form
- VPA Graduate Program of Study Form
Campus Services
- Counseling Center
- Tutoring Center
- Crisis and Emergency Help
- Center for Disability Resources
- Multicultural affairs (OMA)
- LGBTQ Resource Center
- Division of Student Affairs
- Faculty and Staff Support
- Human Resources and Welcome - Human Resources – Syracuse University