Music Majors

General Information

USE OF FACILITIES for activities outside of university assignments: Current faculty, staff, or students should only use campus spaces for programs that are part of the academic program. Other activities, such as giving private lessons to non-university personnel, cannot take place on campus property.

Forms for Concerts and Recitals, Recordings, and Special Projects


  • Confirm date with Michelle Taylor (see recital date selection information below)
  • Submit event details and image for calendar listings
  • Submit the Student Recital Form
    This is due no later than three weeks prior to the event and is required for all events in order to be sure the event can be properly supported. Please note: use of any space requires compliance with applicable guidelines. Please monitor university, local, and school information for updates.
  • Submit the program template.
    This is due no later than 10 days prior to event (or you can provide your own printed programs if preferred). If not received by that date, please do not submit late, we will assume you will print and bring the programs to the event.

  • For Composition Recitals


WHEN SELECTING A DATE, you must also

  • select a recital committee (jury) consisting of your major teacher, another teacher from your area, and a third faculty member from a different area. NOTE: You may have more than three jurors. All the jurors MUST be able to attend the recital.
  • set a pre-recital jury date (your PRJ should take place no later than 3 weeks before recital). You are responsible for scheduling this with your jurors. You must book room/date/time and arrange for a room key in the 301 Crouse with Bryan Watson
  • Submit your Student Pre-Recital Jury Form


FOUR WEEKS BEFORE THE RECITAL: If you need a harpsichord, you MUST arrange for tuning with Bob Lee four weeks in advance and arrange for additional help in your recital.


  • For the PRJ, bring the following with you! STUDENT PRE-RECITAL JURY FORM (PRJ), which must be signed by the committee at your PRJ and four printed copies of your recital program
  • After the successful completion of the pre-recital jury, return the signed Student Pre-Recital Jury Form (PRJ) to Dr. Jill Coggiola in 108B Crouse.
  • Submit Student Recital Form
  • Schedule your dress rehearsal; 1 hour is allowed, if available, and arrange for keys with the Bryan Watson in 301 Crouse – this is your responsibility – if you do not make arrangements in advance, you may not be able to access the hall!
  • Submit the program template. Please be sure to check the program with your professor, and include all collaborators, composer years, etc before submitting it. If the program is not received on time, programs will not be produced by the office and student will have to provide on their own.
  • You are responsible for creating and printing any program notes

TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE RECITAL: You may post a maximum of 10 posters announcing your recital no sooner than 2 weeks before the recital. Posters cannot be placed on glass or in classrooms, elevator, restrooms or offices (they will be removed). They may only be posted on bulletin boards and lockers. Please remove them immediately afterward or they may be removed and discarded.


SELECTING RECITAL DATES: Recital requests are for REQUIRED recitals only:

  • Students eligible to participate in recital date selection are Performance Majors, Composition, Conducting, and students with Performance Honors who have required recitals.
  • Students who wish to arrange a lecture recital who want to use a classroom will discuss this with their advisor and should schedule with Michelle directly.
  • Elective recitals are available to music majors only, and only if scheduling is possible. Elective recitals must meet all recital requirements, including faculty approval, a passed PRJ, and meeting all deadlines for paperwork and program submissions.

Students generally select dates in the order below:

  • FALL RECITALS - anyone who needs to schedule a recital but will be off campus in the spring
  • GRAD II – requests open for one week or until all required dates are confirmed, filled in order received
  • GRAD I – requests open when notified until all required dates are confirmed (if students do not reply, open dates will move to the next group after two attempts at contact), filled in order received
  • Seniors – requests open when notified until all required dates are confirmed (if students do not reply, open dates will move to the next group after two attempts at contact), filled in order received
  • Junior – requests open when notified until all required dates are confirmed (if students do not reply, open dates will move to the next group after two attempts at contact), filled in order received – then new calendar is sent to all. (juniors have a ½ hour, so must share a slot with another junior, and should plan to choose their date and submit one form for their recital. Juniors who do not wish to share a date may request on their own, but may be paired with another student if necessary

Other forms

Setnor School of Music Forms for Music Majors

Applications for Special Programs (forms available only when applicable)

Advising Degree Check Sheets


Locate your specific degree check sheet below.

Use page 2 of the sheet so you can see what classes you need for each semester.

Graduate Programs


Locate your degree check sheet under the headings below.

Use page 2 of the sheet so you can see what classes you need for each semester.


VPA and University Forms

Please visit the Student Forms page on the SU Office of the Registrar website for all the latest fillable university forms and information.

Setnor School of Music Forms can be found below:

Campus Services

additional resources:

Setnor Technology Working Group Support

To call DPS, dial 315-443-2224 or #78 from a cell phone

or 711 from a campus phone.

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